A Personal Experience On Contributing To Open Data

This is my first experience with contributing to an open data, so I tried all three:

It was very easy to participate or decide to participate with any of the projects.  SciStarter required a signup, which was a slight deterrent.  It would be nice to be able to sign in with an existing account.  One of my tasks was to transcribe a museum image.  I found this to be relevant to my current position.  I was even inspired to begin the creation of a similar project of my own.

Overview Of One Issue Surronding Open Data.

What is the issue at hand?

US implement of an Open Access (OA) policy.

Who is talking about the issue?

Many researchers and organizations are being impacted by open access mandates from all over the world.  The European nations took a strong stance in support of open access research publications and recently the US has joined this movement, although with not as heavy of a mandate.

What organizations/institutions do they represent?

Mainly STEM research will have an immediate impact by these mandates, but anyone who receives more than 1million in research funding from the US government in one year must complete and follow a plan to accomplish open access.

Where can we go for more information about this issue?


Assessing the openness of one open data source.

Assessing the openness of  NASA’s Life Science Data Repositories

  • Can you view datasets at no cost? Must you sign up to view the data?

All datasets found were free of charge and did not require sign-up.

  • Is there a tool on the website for you to view or manipulate the data?

No.  You must download dataset to your local machine.

  • Can you download the datasets from the repository?

Yes.  the system also provides you the name, description and size of the file you are downloading.

  • Are the licenses for the datasets clearly marked and visible? What licenses are on the datasets?

No license is attached to the data from what is shown.  The site states that the information is available for public download.

Open Data As I Understand It Now.

Define Open Data?
Open Data = Scholarly data allowed to be perpetually accessed by anyone under a rainbow of permissions.

Why is Open Data important?
Open data is a key piece to completing the open knowledge puzzle.  Open data allows current and future researchers to build on, prove or dis-prove the truth behind the logic and theories presented within the open access content component.

Stumbling blocks to providing open data?
The largest barrier to open data that I have come across so far is the author alone.  The author seems to not realize the value that his/her data holds and in-turn does not think about taking the steps to making it open.

On a scale of 1-5, I would rate myself a 3 on my knowledge of open data.

Where’s the Open Access (OA)? The process of finding my three OA science articles.

To start my search I complete a Google basic search for “open science research journal.”  With a description that seems to meet my needs I chose the link, http://www.scirp.org/journal/OpenAccess.aspx, which leads me to:  http://www.scirp.org/.  Because I was un-familiar with their collection list, I searched journals by subject.  One of the first journals listed was directly on topic, Advances in Parkinson’s Disease, http://www.scirp.org/journal/apd/.  As this is a dominant illness within my husband’s family I focus my search for articles that may help with “prevention.”

The articles are clearly open access with all showing the open access icon.  Their copyright guidelines give all of their articles the creative commons attribute license.

A. Patil, S. , Apine, O. , Surwase, S. and Jadhav, J. (2013) Biological sources of L-DOPA: An alternative approach. Advances in Parkinson’s Disease2, 81-87. doi: 10.4236/apd.2013.23016.

Johnson, L. , Putrino, D. , James, I. , Rodrigues, J. , Stell, R. , Thickbroom, G. and Mastaglia, F. (2013) The effects of a supervised Pilates training program on balance in Parkinson’s disease. Advances in Parkinson’s Disease2, 58-61. doi: 10.4236/apd.2013.22011.

Qi, Z. and Voit, E. (2013) Systems biology provides new tools for addressing Parkinson’s disease. Advances in Parkinson’s Disease2, 69-69. doi: 10.4236/apd.2013.23013.


Assessing the openness of one electronic resource.

Using  “How Open is It?” as a reference, I will assess the openness of the Undergraduate Journal of Mathematical Modeling: One + Two based on:

  • reader rights

Free readership rights
to all articles immediately
upon publication

  • reuse rights

Reuse, remixing, &
further building upon the work
subject to certain restrictions
& conditions (e.g., CC BY-NC
& CC BY-SA licenses)

  • copyrights

Publisher holds copyright,
with some allowances for
author and reader reuse of
published version

  • author posting rights

Author may post
any version to any
repository or website
automatic posting

  • Journals make copies of articles

automatically available in trusted
third-party repositories (e.g.,
PubMed Central) immediately
upon publication
LOCKSS member. Digital Commons, http://network.bepress.com/.

  • metadata readability

Article full text, metadata, citations, &
data, including supplementary data,
provided in community machinereadable
standard formats through a
community standard API or protocol

This journal rates the highest level of access in all but two areas, where they place user usage restrictions of  Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 3.0 license and require publisher attribution with author reuse.  This journal can be accessed directly at http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/ujmm/.  It is also indexed down to the article level within DOAJ:  http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=search&template=&uiLanguage=en&query=Undergraduate+Journal+of+Mathematical+Modeling&filter=media%3A%22journal%22&filter=media%3A%22article%22.


2013. PLOS. Open Access Spectrum (OAS) grid. http://www.plos.org/about/open-access/howopenisit/

2013. UJMM:  One + Two. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/ujmm/